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Non Refundable Good Faith Deposit required to consider the animal sold
Pretty paint mini intact jack. He's a breeder if you need a stud. He gets along with all livestock. Leads some. $2500
2 paint mini jennys are his buddies they are on different picture.
Sold pending pick up....Mini jack 4 yr old super sweet Not good in small pen with goats. He'll sling 'Em around once in a while. But as a rule. He's good with them here I have a big pasture It came from a small pasture where he bothered goats.he leads is super nice personality. . He doesn't bother my goats but they are in big pasture not taking his hay $1500
Breeding miniature spotted trio. 2 jennys 4 & 6 unrelated jack is 5 yr old. If you wanna get in a miniature donkey breeding business, This is a perfect trio. $4500 per jenny 2500 jack. 10000 for trio
Small standard Baby Jack around 3 months old his mom is 38 inch small standard his dad 40in $875
Baby mini Jenny born March 29th She's a cute little thing! $2500
Mini chocolate with dorsal stripe gelding he's great with all livestock approximately 5 years old around 32 in tall $1250
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